Jan 20 2007

Carbs->Cholesterol Study

The studies in support of cutting carbs seem to be coming faster these days. Here’s a good one, if you’re worried about cholesterol — especially if your doctor is telling you the only way to lower it is with low-fat foods, loads of exercise, and the latest drugs. The payoff paragraph:

“Differences in HDL and triacylglycerols observed in different ethnic groups may be due in part to carbohydrate intake,” the researchers write. “Reducing the frequency of intake of sugar-containing soft drinks, juices and snacks may be beneficial.”

Gee, sweets are bad for you. How did we forget that?

Read the whole thing here; it’s fairly short. (By the way, for reference on cholesterol: HDL is the good kind, LDL is the bad kind, and triglycerides are the extra-bad kind. Also, the ratio of HDL to LDL is more important than the total, so if your total cholesterol goes up because your HDL increased more than your LDL decreased, that’s a good thing.)

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