Dec 08 2008

St. Rose News

A recent visitor to Quincy posted some beautiful pictures of St. Rose on her blog, so go check them out.

The St. Rose website is now up and running! There’s a photo gallery with all the images I have so far, including the ones I picked out for my blog earlier, and an event calendar that includes information for upcoming daily Masses. More features will be coming, so keep an eye on it. Suggestions are most welcome. I’ll continue also announcing things here for now, since the site is so new that the search engines won’t have found it yet.

Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation, so there will be a special High Mass at 6:00pm in addition to the usual weekday Low Mass at 12:10pm. The High Mass will be followed by Adoration until 1:00am. More info at that link.

There will be a Christmas Midnight Mass, beginning at midnight (when else?) Christmas morning, preceded by Christmas carols at 11:30pm. The organ is expected to be working again by then, so it should be a beautiful ceremony.

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