Mar 31 2009

Chickens, etc.

First off, Angel posted some pictures and info about our new chickens, so go check that out.  They’ve all survived so far, although she said one went over the wall this morning and was running around the garage.  Apparently they managed to knock their water over, and one used it as a step to jump out of the box.  Wily beasts, they are.  I made their box twice as big this morning.  They weren’t really crowded yet, but they’re growing fast, so they’ll need the extra space soon.

Almost all the Little Marvel peas are up now, but I don’t see any of the Sugar Ann (snap peas) yet.  I hope they’re just a little slower, and that they weren’t killed off by the cold and wet last week.  Some turnips are coming up in the other bed, so apparently the birds didn’t get all those seeds after all.

There’s a garage sale in the hall at St. Rose this Saturday, April 4.  I don’t know much about garage sales, but I have a feeling it’ll be pretty big.  We’re planning to take some stuff over, as soon as we find time to get it sorted out and loaded up.

The book sale at the library is this weekend too.  I get pretty excited when those come up, because I usually bring home a box or two of books.  At 50 cents/inch, and half-price on Sunday, I figure any book I’m even remotely likely to read is worth that much.  Last fall I didn’t find as many as usual, maybe because I’d been to the spring sale and gotten everything I was interested in.  I don’t suppose I’ll ever go away from it empty-handed, though.

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