Friday Again
Harvested the third small batch of radishes today. With all the moisture they’re getting, they seem noticeably bigger every day, so I’m not just picking little ones to thin them anymore. Here’s a fuzzy picture of them halfway through washing them.
I think I’m going to move my move my Latin lessons to Tuesday. Friday just tends to be too busy, with people wanting things done before the weekend, and me wanting to sit in the sun and read a book. Mondays are bad too, so I’ll give Tuesdays a shot. I’ll continue announcing them here when I publish them.
Our chickens are quickly outgrowing their cardboard pen in the garage. I’ve seen signs that they’ve been jumping out of it and roaming around when we’re not out there. We’re going to have to get that coop built very soon so they can move outside full-time. We take them out when we can now, but they aren’t protected from predators like neighborhood cats, so we have to watch them.
I did some mushroom hunting last weekend, but didn’t have any luck. I heard people were finding some of the early small gray ones, but on our place it just didn’t seem right yet. The trees don’t have enough leaves to shade the ground, so it was too dry and sunny. This weekend looks a lot more promising, especially after all the rain we’ve had this week.
My little graph of the salaries of Quincy officials and normal people got picked up by Quincy News and quadrupled my traffic for a couple days. Now to see how many of them stick around to read my usual ramblings about Church, Latin, low-carb, and backyard gardening!
Time to take the chickens out for their evening constitutional…
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