Busy Busy
Wow, this was a busy weekend. Not busy in my usual sense of, “I missed my two-hour afternoon nap,” but seriously busy. I’m still looking for a weekend when I can do nothing but relax, but it looks like that won’t be happening for a while yet.
Saturday we went to the Business Expo at St. Rose, to promote our pork and eggs from the farm. We didn’t get a whole lot of interest, but we were a little out of place amongst all the crafts, jewelry, and beauty products. We sold some eggs and passed out some brochures, though, and we got some ideas for things to do better next time, so it was worth it. We’re going to try to hit the farmers’ markets soon, where we should fit in better.
Now that we’re promoting the pork beyond our friends and this blog, we figured we’d better get a web site up. It’s here at BeebeCreekFarm.com. The name comes from the creek that runs through the place. We’ve got some basic information up, plus a gallery of pictures from the farm (including the creek), and we’ll be adding information about what’s available. There’s a contact form for anyone who has questions or is interested in pork or eggs. If you’d like to be on our mailing list, please let us know.
Sunday was Church, then I stayed for the late Mass too, since six of the kids were having their First Communion. That was great to see. They were so serious about it, too! I wondered if it was really a good idea to send three little boys up there to the altar rail together without any adults in ear-grabbing range, but they were very good. It is kind of an awe-inspiring view from there, looking up at the sanctuary and altar, so I suppose that discourages stuff like noogies.
Afterward, there was a very nice meal in the hall. I stayed and mooched lunch, even though I wasn’t one of the families and didn’t bring a gift. We sure have some good cooks there.
Sunday night, it was time to head over to our garden spot at the friary and finish getting a chicken wire fence around it. I was hoping we wouldn’t have to do that, but something was pretty hard on the cabbages we transplanted into there. Some might have been cutworm damage, but some was leaf nibbling, so we had to put up the fence. Now we’ll see if there’s any more damage from cutworms.
Monday, we headed to Payson for the Memorial Day service that my dad’s VFW group puts on in the park there every year. It rained heavily enough to drive the ceremony into the shelter house, which is the first time I can remember that happening. Usually, our family stays after and has lunch in the shelter house and the kids play on the swings and stuff, but yesterday it seemed like it just kept getting colder and windier, so we abandoned that plan and went back to the farm for lunch.
After a couple hours of too much food and noisy kids, it was time to head home and try to squeeze in some rest to get ready for a busy week ahead. This coming Saturday, we’re going to be serving pulled pork sandwiches at Trade Days at Stone’s Prairie Market in Plainville. There will be a bunch of local craftsman there, and I think the Olde Tyme Association that’s at the Adams County Fair every year might be coming. There are also city-wide garage sales in Payson and Plainville that day, so we’re hoping to have a nice big, hungry crowd. We picked up the pork today, freshly butchered five days ago, and we’ll be cooking it in a couple days. We still have to round up a tent and some other supplies, but it’s coming together.
So maybe after that I’ll get a chance to take a day off!
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