Oct 25 2009

Sunday Inspiration

Here’s a story about a Texas couple, Deidrea and T.K. Laux, who found out the baby they were expecting had a rare DNA problem that probably wouldn’t allow him to live more than a few days past birth, if at all.  They decided to give him that chance and make the most of whatever time they had.

Hours later [after the diagnosis], Deidrea couldn’t sleep.

Alone on their living-room couch at 3 a.m., she prayed: Why them? What now? How could she and T.K. come together – not apart?

She felt a flutter in her belly.

She mouthed the name that she and T.K. had settled on just before the sonogram that morning, what now seemed a lifetime ago. Thomas was for T.K., whose given name was Thomas. Gordon honored her grandfather, who died only weeks before she and T.K. learned that they were pregnant.

Thomas, she said to the darkness. Thomas Gordon Laux.

The movement in her belly was unmistakable. Thomas kicked hard.

It felt like answered prayer.

Deidrea kept a diary throughout, filled with moments of intense happiness, sadness, and most of all, love.  The Dallas Morning News did a video and a series of stories on the family.  One amazing thing to me was reading about Kathy Rose, their hospice nurse, who works full-time with dying children.  I can’t imagine a more difficult job.  The strength and compassion of some people is amazing.

Anyway, watch the video, and read the stories for the details if you want.  You may want to have a hanky nearby; I got something in my eye while I was watching it.

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