Oct 16 2008

Latin Mass Schedule Announced for St. Rose

The schedule for Masses at Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church in Quincy, IL, has been released. Latin Masses begin on November 9th, after the arrival of Fr. Arnaud Devillers of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Sunday Masses will be at 8:00am (Low Mass) and 11:00am (High Mass), with coffee and doughnuts after the 11:00 Mass. Low Mass on weekdays will be at 12:10pm.  (Get directions.)

If you are interested, but have never been to a Latin Mass and don’t know what to expect, please ask questions in the comments, and I’ll try to answer or pass them along to someone who can.  It’s not that complicated, but there might be a few things it would help to know up front.  FAQ #1: No, you don’t need to actually know Latin.  Missals are provided with English translations of all the prayers.  (If you’re now asking, “Then what’s the point of using Latin anyway?” I’ll answer that in another post.)

We’ll be setting up a web site for St. Rose some time after Fr. Devillers arrives, so there should be a lot more information there when it’s ready.  In the meantime, I’ll keep updating here.

Correction: The High Mass on Sundays has been moved from 10:00 to 11:00am, to allow more time for people driving long distances.

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