Jan 19 2009

Monday Afternoon Roundup

Since today’s a government holiday, I can’t go to the library, and neither the package I’m anxiously awaiting nor any Netflix discs will be arriving today, so I guess I might as well work and blog.  Life is rough.

St. Rose is having a soup and sandwich lunch this coming Sunday, the 25th, from 11:00-4:00.  It’s on the St. Rose web site, but I still get St. Rose searchers here because of my articles about it, so I thought I’d announce it too.  The meal is $6/person or $25/family, and includes chicken noodle soup, ham and bean soup, cream turkey sandwiches (whatever that is), and coffee and ice tea.  There will also be two raffles: a 50-50; and one for an overnight stay at Stoney Creek Inn plus a gift basket.  Tell all your friends!

Hey, I’ve got two “followers” on Twitter already!  Maybe it’s not as silly as it looks.  I put a little widget in my blog’s sidebar to show my “tweets,” so everyone can bask in the glow of my <140-character thoughts.

I also put an Amazon banner on my blog.  It’s supposed to show items that relate to the content on the page, but it may not match well right away.  I hope it’s not too intrusive, and that people don’t think I’m selling out.  At current traffic rates,  I stand to make about 10 cents a day, so I don’t think my greed is out of control. :)

I thought I’d use Amazon rather than Google AdSense, since AdSense is everywhere these days, and I really do like and use Amazon a lot.  Also, so much traffic comes from Google that if you count on them for your income too, it’s too much eggs-in-one-basket to feel safe.  Do something to make them dislike your site, and they can hurt you from both ends.  It doesn’t matter now, but I don’t want to set myself up to be dependent on any one company in the future.

Our new pool league session started last night.  We did pretty well, winning 3 out of 5.  I started out smoking against a 3-handicap, winning the first three games easily; then I tightened up a little and let the next two games slip away, so we were both “on the hill” (one win away from winning the match).  I managed to pull out the last game for the win, though, so I’m undefeated for the year!

Speaking of smoking: I noticed a guy smoking in the back employee area (illegally!!!) but I never noticed the smell; yet when I got home, I could smell it on my clothes.  Weird how that works; I guess I still expect some smoke smell in a bar, enough so that I don’t notice a little of it while I’m there.

I’m going to have to lay off the Christmas nuts for a while.  I seem to have no ability whatsoever to regulate my consumption of them.  I’ll gladly sit and crack almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts until I’ve eaten pounds of them.  Thing is, they’re all wonderfully low-carb if eaten in normal amounts of an ounce or so.  But if I eat a pound for lunch and another pound for dinner, that’s not so low-carb anymore.  Peanuts are the same way; I could sit and eat a bucketful of peanuts in the shell and end up taking in 100 carbs.  I wouldn’t feel as bad as if I’d eaten 100 carbs worth of potatoes because they’d be spread out over more time, but I sure wouldn’t be losing any weight.

On a related note, I’ve stopped using Fitday again.  It’s just too much trouble when you cook at home, especially when you make things up as you go along.  For lunch today I had a ham salad sandwich with low-carb bread.  (Something I don’t use very often, since two pieces reach my per-meal carb limit.)  To enter that into Fitday, I’d first have to enter the ham, onion, celery, pickle juice, and mayo I used to make the ham salad, to get total counts for the ham salad itself.  But before I could do that, I’d have to enter the olive oil, coconut oil, egg, mustard, and lemon juice that I used to make the mayo, to get values for the mayo to figure out the ham salad.  After all that, I’d have to enter the cheese, lettuce, mayo, and bread that went with the ham salad to make the sandwich.  All these ingredients at each stage would have to be measured by volume or weight.

That’s just way too much work to put in on one little sandwich.  It’d take longer to get it all calculated and recorded accurately than it did to make them all.  Much simpler to estimate in my head: “Ok, 10 carbs for the bread, one for the cheese, say 5 for the ham salad to be safe—16 total.”  I could enter that into Fitday, but if I’m estimating, I might as well just write it in a food journal of my own that doesn’t make me re-login every time I use it.

Anyway, no more nuts for me for a while.  Except peanut butter on pork rinds—I seem to be able to limit myself to a reasonable amount on that, and they’re darn good.  That reminds me: I need to come up with more low-carb dips and coatings for pork rinds.  They’re about the only way to get some crunch into this diet.

I haven’t paid much attention to the NFL since the Chiefs hired Herm Edwards and surrendered all hope of winning for a while, but I did catch the first half of the Cardinals/Eagles game Sunday.  It was fun watching the Cardinals take a big lead and end up winning, after all the sports experts dismissed them for winning a weak division and treated them like a second-tier team that didn’t have a chance.  Now they’re one game away from really making all the talking heads look like fools.  Fun to see Kurt Warner winning again too, since he was supposed to be washed up a few years ago, and he takes a lot of grief for his outspoken Christianity.  Always nice to see a guy almost as old as me who can still outplay the kids out there.  Here’s hoping they take it to the Steelers.

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